The War of Fog: Fox News complains that US military won't allow itself to...
In its desire to fuel the RW need to "re-engage" a more complete war in Iraq, Fox News trolls for military insubordination and more collateral damage. Darn that over-regulated military chain of...
View Articleartificial sovereignty for artificial islands: is internet territoriality...
Unlike the island-hopping campaigns in World War II, more nuanced conflicts will occur in the South China Sea, no different than recent cyber-attacks especially if the processes of the Law of the Sea...
View ArticleVirgin America aircrew outdoes Southwest Airlines
Unlike the woman who was denied access to her cellphone to communicate with her suicidal husband on Southwest, apparently one simply has to take more extreme measures to get attention and handle crisis...
View ArticleLiveBlog & Live Stream - The Phoenix Mosque Cartoon "protest" 102 degrees @...
So along with Sons of Anarchy stars at Comicon in Phoenix, some cosplay will occur with RWNJs in 30 minutes, as Jon Ritzheimer tries for his 15 minutes of fame. Unfortunately, the bar designated for...
View the biggest battle since Jutland
Admiral Josh Painter: This business will get out of control. It will get out of control and we'll be lucky to live through it.Jeffrey Pelt: It would be well for your government to consider that having...
View ArticleKitchen Table Kibitzing: 05/30/2015: Tag Sales every 1st & 3rd Saturday
Kitchen Table Kibitzing is a community series for those who wish to share part of the evening around a virtual kitchen table with kossacks who are caring and supportive of one another. So bring your...
View ArticleJeb's Brother as enabler of Daesh with the Neo-Con version of "the management...
Despite their inability to want to relate to me as a geezer, I have great faith in the coming generation of 19-year olds, other than their inability to listen or pay attention.A college...
View Articledrones in Mexico panic crowds
Not what you think... NEW YORK (FOX)– Enrique Iglesias was recovering Sunday after some of his fingers were sliced when he grabbed a drone during a concert in Tijuana, Mexico. A representative for the...
View ArticleDeputy got commendation for shooting unarmed Black man and now there might...
So a guy buys a pellet gun at a pawn shop, is walking home with his unloaded purchase and gets gunned down by cops because of frightened 911 callers.Now his killer, who received a commendation for...
View Article"Holy Schnikes, Jeb!" The GOP continues 19th Century Liberalism with a RW...
Jeb Bush is the corporatist GOP's Lawn Gnome, much like yesterday was Bud Selig Bobble Head Day at the Milwaukee Brewers' baseball park. Like we wouldn't understand a 21st Century Selig Bobble Head....
View ArticleWhat a Paulista - Clintonista digital campaign battle might look like
Of course the idiots at Fortune don't know the states where certain small colleges are located. Fortunately, HRC will most likely not have to battle the Paulista infowarriors in 2016.Katie Dowd is the...
View Article$10 Million Spidey Hole Senses at Zero Dark Thirty
The ideal solution for his GoFundMe campaign is to open a pizza parlor that only caters to straight weddings in Indiana or raffles of AR-!5 rifles for unlicensed plumbers in Ohio. But in a world of...
View Articleand can we finally blame the GOP obstructionism for something
So the former DHS/TSA heads get lucrative private sector jobs, the minimum wage workers cop stuff like tablets out of your bags, and the delays in approving agency heads and funding by an...
View ArticleFive US civilian passenger flights swatted today
So was this recent bit of Swatting a result of showing flaws in the system or disgruntled TSA agents being shown up and using stolen phones as burners. You don't even need to be on a plane with a...
View ArticleShoot first & take no chances when Minority Report is on the job
You just never know when the next blasphemy drawing competition will provoke someone under surveillance, so one should be proactive just in case you don't have enough evidence, or a third "Precog"....
View ArticleMaybe space based weapons really want to destroy Richmond California
Democracy does have some negative policy externalities and perhaps the drought is having a mass effect on some otherwise quite progressive towns at the intersection of oil refineries and a terminus of...
View ArticleScientific Method Fails in Florida
The real crime is not testing the range of his jamming device and limiting its effect to his classroom, much like many restaurants, but of course it's against the law, but legal in Ukraine schools,...
View ArticlePlease, Madison & any other jurisdiction, No More Street Patrols for Matt...
This combination made with file photos provided by the Madison, Wis. police department and Wisconsin Department of Corrections shows Madison Police officer Matt Kenny, left, and Tony Robinson, a...
View ArticleBenedict Arnold returns home as Aqua Buddha
sex, drugs, spies and liberty - are there lessons for British politics from Rand's stand ?— Mark Mardell (@BBCMarkMardell) June 3, 2015So one BBC wag has decided that Aqua Buddha's...
View ArticleGun Thugs will demand higher grades in Texas
an upsurge in the market for bullet-resistant clothing?“The perception in academia will be that Texas is a free-fire zone with yokels in the classrooms packing heat,” said Lynn W. Tatum, a professor at...
View ArticleJeb! ---- coming 15 June: JEB 2016, INC.
Another passenger for Mr. Clown Bus. His announcement website is owned by JEB 2016 INC. His delay in making himself the 11th GOP candidate to declare has presumably allowed his SuperPAC to build...
View ArticleHappy National Doughnut Day
Here's where to either score free fried dough/bread and/or run into high concentrations of police officers.’ Donuts: Participating Dunkin’ Donuts restaurants nationwide...
View ArticleThe Dick Cheney of Iraq has died
Tariq Aziz—once Saddam Hussein’s deputy prime minister and close adviser-- has died of a heart attack in a hospital in southern Iraq, officials say. Provincial governor Yahya al-Nassiri says Aziz,...
View ArticleKitchen Table Kibitzing 06/06/2015 Reinvention - do you haz it?
Kitchen Table Kibitzing is a community series for those who wish to share part of the evening around a virtual kitchen table with kossacks who are caring and supportive of one another. So bring your...
View ArticleHuntsman-Martinez in 2016 but the GOP wouldn't dare
Jon Huntsman’s days on the campaign trail are over.The former Utah governor, who ran a short-lived presidential campaign in 2012, said he would not run in 2016 and has no plans to run for governor...
View ArticleAnti-Capitalist Meetup: Daesh & Switch - iconoclastic commodities as common...
Artwork in Iraq gets destroyed by Daesh /ISIS-ISIL (Video)Polytheistic idolatry is the only thing that gets destroyed, says Daesh, which somehow rationalizes the...
View ArticleSo Wired doesn't think Millennials need their own news
Apparently it's all about the connectivity and having mobile devices, so Mic, Fusion, and whatever next thing with sizzle will simply fuel the consumption of mass quantities. And everybody else can...
View ArticleThe days of Charlie Wilson are definitely not yet over
During the first Afghanistan Conflict when The Soviet Union decided it could outdo decades of colonialism, arms dealing to client states was the norm for superpowers, but as always, the informal...
View ArticleTIDE: A million bad guys out there, not including the "stochastic" ones on...
Why the use of the term "stochastic terrorist" and its proliferation as a quasi-technical term of "expert discourse" should be curtailed. "For Americans to concede more of their civil liberties in...
View ArticleAnimal Nuz Blogathon Fundraiser - Aminals are Diverz
Nuz Hounds - Friends of Animal Nuz Presents the 1st Annual Animal Nuz Blogathon Fundraiser All Donations are Welcome!What is the Fundraiser for? Eric Lewis (ericlewis0) has been publishing Animal Nuz...
View ArticleSpending money like Teabag water: If Rubio can't balance his checkbook...
Mitt Romney and Mr. Rubio arriving in Kissimmee, Fla., on a presidential campaign stop in October 2012. Mr. Romney's campaign flagged Mr. Rubio's financial issues when vetting him as a possible running...
View ArticleHeadline: The non-Zumwalt littoral Navy
they only built three of theseRemember the Bath Maine Zumwalt-class destroyer
View ArticleMore testing: Renaming US military bases
For many, renaming current US military bases that have been named for Confederate generals seems a "bridge too far", so there are some generic facilities that could appropriately be named for other...
View Articlelacking Grace: Flag mania trumps loss of Faith in a free market for symbols
xYouTube Video “They got a goddamn day for Confederate flags. This is some bullshit!” says the (presumably black) man filming this video, “I wonder what kind of motherfuckin’ parade we...
View ArticleKenneth the Page: He's tan, rested, ready to fight...
In announcing his bid for the presidency, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal said that he was tired of "all this talk about hyphenated Americans" and that he was "tanned, rested, and ready for this...
View ArticleWYFP? Life is like Damocles Sword or a falling box of raspberry chocolates
WYFP is our community's Saturday evening gathering to talk about our problems, empathize with one another, and share advice, pootie pictures, favorite adult beverages, and anything else that we think...
View ArticleLizzie Borden: a case of being too cleaver
Most of the officers who interviewed Lizzie reported that they disliked her attitude; some said she was too calm and poised. Despite Lizzie's "attitude" and changing alibis, nobody bothered to check...
View ArticleSpike Strips for the Clown Car - More debates are not better debates for the...
The number of political debates seems irrelevant in an age of DVRs, YouTube, and podcasts but this is the moment where the Democratic party could actually use the format to finally crush the GOP and...
View ArticleDonald Trump as Snidely Whiplash
Trump versus the widows & orphansAn NPR outlet claims that tRump's opposition is looking for any reason to trash The Donald and his current feud with the Club for Growth means that libertarians'...
View ArticleTwo Trumps enter, one Trump leaves as Master-Brander
We may see real power brokerage at the GOP convention with delegates as the capital - a new arbitrage tool for tRump. If he's savvy, Trump will have one of his media partners do a documentary of his...
View ArticleGOP members of DK, your Vote for Carly is a Vote for Horror
"It’s so weird — she looks like one of us, but she’s not."Polling within DK shows that at least 3% of the population of Kossacks are GOP members / voters. Occasionally they reveal...
View Articlegetting back the $7 Trillion in offshore Tax Havens
If you’re rich and you don’t want to pay taxes, here’s a way to go. Drop that billion in a secret bank account abroad. It’s illegal, but there are plenty of people who will help you do it. And there...
View Article9 minutes of Young Republicanism
Young Republicans wherever you are, you have nothing to lose but your snacks. Like one future mayor of Bridgeport, Waterbury, or Hartford, or even Governor of Connecticut, a nutmegger in search of...
View ArticleFreshman kills 1, wounds 3 at the frat party: Beta vengeance Emo Twinkz
the alleged shooter: "’Merica,' he wrote for a July 4th selfie of himself with a shotgun slung over his shoulder, donning an American flag shirt and hat."Even if he shot in self-defense, an 18-year old...
View ArticleThey Killed the GOP - You Bastards!
With the continued dithering of the GOP over who will be its next Speaker of the House of Representatives, although my bet would be on Paul Ryan once he figures out he can never become POTUS, we now...
View ArticleMy Vote for the next Secretary of Defense
Yet if predicting the future is a hopeless endeavor, learning from the past is not. The counterinsurgency books that Nagl studied do impart an important lesson. The goal the United States hopes to...
View ArticleACM 25 October --- homelessness is only in the mind
Work has become a means to stay alive rather than life being an opportunity to do work. Living, mere existence, has always been a necessary pre-condition for engaging in productive activity, but in...
View ArticleNeo-Classical Liberalism: Whadda Concept!
Classical libertarianism, per Wikipedia, " a political philosophy that upholds liberty as its principal objective. Libertarians seek to maximize autonomy and freedom of choice, emphasizing...
View ArticlePresident Marco Polo Rubio: The GOP's Savior
The leaked 112 page GOP oppo-research playbook on the last debate has given Republico more grist for the Clown Car grill or mist for the Clown Club rumor mill:"Marco Is A Risky Bet"While the slides...
View ArticleWYFP? Where's DK5! Did Waldo kidnap it? Is it being "disciplined" by a...
So I was being patient about letting my draft “story” appear whenever the projected time which coincidentally was the normal start time, but now with the additional delays, here’s what it would have...
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